Lets face it, we are driven to choices in our daily lives influenced by what we see around us. Lately in our increasing world of internet dominance, comfort, ease of selection and most important affordability drives consumers in making choices that are mass driven rather than individual. Why then at night, the most important time of the day to rest and nurture our bodies do we choose to sleep in synthetics and not silk sleepwear? Read on!
Blogs, posts, newletters give us all a commmon platform to share information good or bad leaving us with enough insight to make sound decisions. Why is it when one is, "out on the street" we all seem to be dressing alike? A visual survery next time your out and about, count out how many people are all wearing the colour black? Or on weekends, chinos', shorts, tee shirts and baseball caps , similar to a " uniform" of relaxation. Once the weekend is over we divert back to our work uniform, most prominently wearing something in the colour black.
The process of silk was created over 5000 years ago and still remains the king of fabric, allowing our bodies to keep warm air close to our skin in winter, cool to wear in summer.
Silk sleepwear retains it shape and is smooth against the skin. Silk is the strongest natural fibre and the beauty in garments constructed in silk is the retention of shape.
Silk is not an expensive bed time sleeping choice when you think of the benefit to your well being. The luxury of sleeping in a silk chemise, tap pant & camisole far outweigh the common choice we all seem to choose these days, track pants & tee shirt! Remember beautiful silk lingerie is an investment even if it is only one piece you can afford to buy, its durability far outweigh the cost. Most important of all, your wort