Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cool Hairstyles For Cool Guys!

here were hairstyles that used to give an impression of an 80s rock band, then there were hairstyles which gave a messy look and so on.
Some of the older hairstyles are still in fashion. In fact, your hair style gives the impression of the kind of person you are. They depict your personality and also describe the kind of attitude you carry. And yes, if you still think that it is only women who take care of their looks or they are the only ones to try various hairstyles, think again !

The guys are experimenting more and more with their hair these days. These days many salons cater not only to women but men too. Just step into any salon and you'd be surprised to see men pampering themselves, usually a case with women. Coming back to hairstyles,there are many trendy hairstyles to choose from. You should always consult your hair stylist to get a hairstyle that suits the shape of your face. Secondly there should be a proper haircut before you try any style for your hair.

Things to remember before you get a hairstyle:

Good hair cut for good hair style
It is always better to go for a suitable hair cut before you wear your desired hair style. Hair styling becomes easier when the hair becomes manageable. Remember that the better haircut you get, easier it will be to try any hair style. But it is really surprising that still there are many men who show more concern to convenience than quality when they have to decide for their haircut. Such men should understand that a good hair cut makes all the difference to a good hairstyle. Also, once the hair cut is done, you will have to wait for another couple of days for the hair to grow well. So it is better to have a good hair cut at the first place. Always go to a good parlour. Consult your friends for places that can give you the desired haircuts. You may experiment with hair styles but not with hair cuts.
Before experimenting with your hair style
Before you start experimenting with various hair styles, just try to find out that how your hair stylist is. Try to get a good stylist as the future of your hair and looks will lie in her or his hands. Taking a prior appointment will help you as the stylist will be able to devote his time on your hair and even you will be there for that sole purpose. Now let us know about some cool hair styles that are liked by all cool guys!

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