Understanding the properties of essential oils will give you a great advantage when selecting skin care products for you skin type or skin ailment. With that in mind below are common essential oils used in skin care products and their properties.
Carrot Oil – has a strengthening effect on blood cells thus improving tone and elasticity to the skin. Avoid carrot oil if pregnant due to its stimulating properties.
Chamomile – can ease anxiety, tension and anger when used in aromatherapy. It will calm the mind and is helpful with insomnia. It is an excellent skin cleanser and can relieve dry and itchy skin. Chamomile smoothes out broken capillaries and improved elasticity. It is very suitable for sensitive skin too. Because chamomile is an emmenagogue (any substance that induces or hastens menstrual flow) it should be avoided in the early stages of pregnancy. Some of the properties of chamomile are: sedative, emollient, emmenagogue, antidepressant, and antiseptic.
Geranium – is a good overall cleanser for all skin types, it tones pales skin and increases blood flow. In addition it balances sebum production. Properties of geranium are: antiseptic, astringent, and deodorant to name a few. This oil also is known to regulate the hormonal system so best not to use if pregnant. Also, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin types.
Jasmine – A luxurious and highly effective treatment for dry sensitive skin but generally good for all skin types. A blend with Mandarin and
Lavender increases skin elasticity and softens stretch marks and scars. In aromatherapy, Jasmine eases severe depression and is calming to the nerves and warms the emotions. Some of its properties are: antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, emollient and sedative.
Lavender – useful for all skin types as it promotes growth of new cells and performs a balancing act on sebum. It is also effective on acne, eczema and psoriasis due to its healing properties. In aromatherapy it can bring down high blood pressure, calm palpitations and provide relief from insomnia. Properties of lavender are: emmenagogue (so avoid during first months of pregnancy), antidepressant, antiviral, bactericide, and deodorant to name a few.
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