A few hours' wear around the house will certainly help, but most experts recommend a longer break-in period, especially if you are not accustomed to wearing the type of bridal heel you've chosen. Techniques that have helped others break in their high hells and become comfortable walking in them include:
* To prevent slipping on slick church or reception floors, scuff or put rough tape on the soles.
* Wear your shoes off and on around the house for three or four weeks. This will help break them in gradually.
* For an even better breaking in, start with wearing your wedding shoes an hour at a time while you complete light chores inside. (Avoid the outdoors; you don't want to soil the shoes.) When the shoes are comfortable after an hour's wear, begin keeping them on until they hurt. Gradually increase the time over a month until you can wear your bridal shoes for several hours with no blisters.
Practicing Moving and Walking
If you are uncomfortable with walking in heels, take this opportunity to practice while breaking in your shoes. Here are some tips for learning different maneuvers.
Skirting obstacles
Invariably, there will be a few surprises on your wedding day that will require a bit of quick-stepping: a child will fall in your way, or you will have to move around a mess or rain puddle, for example. Avoiding these obstacles will require stepping sideways, altering your stride, or even moving backwards without stumbling. Practice these moves at various speeds until you can confidently complete them in your heels. As an added bonus, if you plan to wear your high heels at the reception, these same motions will prepare you for the dance floor.
Because your back will be "on stage" facing your guests during the ceremony, you must be able to gracefully turn before walking back down the aisle after the finale - when your groom kisses you for the first time. Depending on your ceremony, you may not need to make a full 180-degree turn; but, by practicing a full turnaround, you will be prepared for all eventualities.
Imagine it is your wedding day and you are facing the person who is conducting the ceremony. First, pivot halfway around, so that both feet, as well as your body, are facing your new husband, and your weight is on the leg closest to the officiant. Complete the turn by stepping toward the aisle with the foot closest to your guests. At that point, you will be facing your guests and can safely continue walking back down the aisle. If you would like visual demonstrations, study fashion models as they turn at the end of runways. A search on YouTube or other video Websites will provide several examples.
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