Wash hair with a shampoo that isn't a detergent. You can usually tell this because the shampoo doesn't suds up as much. Rinse your hair and apply conditioner. After leaving your conditioner on for a few minutes rinse it with cool or cold water. This helps lock in the conditioning. When drying your hair don't fluff it up in a towel. Pat it dry and use a wide toothed comb.
If you use lots of hair care products such as pomades, daily straighteners or products with extra hold, you may need to use a monthly shampoo that rids your hair of residue yet is gentle and won't damage your hair. Otherwise your hair will collect build-up and begin to feel heavy, straw-like and lose its shine. Use a shampoo such as Neutragena Anti Residue Shampoo and you'll gain your silky, soft, shiny hair back.
Don't shampoo every day. People with naturally curly hair tend to have dry hair anyway so no need to over dry it. If you can, try to shampoo every other day.
2. Stop Smoking
Smoking causes you skin to be dry and wrinkled and it does the same thing to your hair. Smoking causes your hair to be dry, break off, frizz and thin.
3. Cut down on alchohol and smoking
This is a tough one, especially for me because I like a glass of wine and I love my coffee, but these drinks tend to pull water out of your body, that means less moisture that goes to your hair causing dryness and frizz.
But I'm not saying cut these things out completely simply, limit your intake. As for me, I don't drink a pot of coffee a day anymore, instead now it's just a couple of cups, much better
4. Using Styling products
While hair is wet run a dime size amount of your favorite hair serum into your hands and cover your hair completely through to the ends. If you have very course hair use a product designed for coarser hair. To be sure hair is completely covered, bend over exposing the back of your hair, rub serum from your neck to the top of your hair, then stand up straight and rub the remaining amount of serum beginning from your scalp downward.
Very few people with curly hair go without blow drying it to some extent. If you like the curly look then be sure to use a diffuser on your blow dryer, not using one will create frizzy, fly-away hair
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