Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Fight Winter's Dry Itchy Skin – To Arms!

Everyone needs to learn how to fight winter's skin itch. Ignoring the problem of dry flaky skin does not make it go away. In fact, leaving skin defenseless against the dry cold air of winter can result in severe skin problems, because the skin is the first barrier against bacteria and virus invasions. When skin gets too dry, it becomes itchy which makes scratching feel good, but only temporarily. Scratch long and hard enough and the skin is damaged even further.

There are many cases where people scratch so hard trying to find relief they cause welts or even bleeding. This is a sign the outer layer of skin has almost no moisture in it.

Fighting winter's dry itchy skin requires preparing to do battle against the cold, wind and low humidity. It means taking up arms against the very things that bombard your body through the winter months. You can create a fortress which prevents winter skin itch.

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