And we have all come across a photograph of ourselves with what can only be described as a style atrocity ensconced on our usually fashionable head.
While most of us know when our hair has gone wrong, sometimes it not so clear why. Sometimes, we call these abominations 'bad hair days' - as though the bad hair were inevitable or an act of God.
But we can tell you the truth - that virtually all badly behaving hair can be traced back to inappropriate hair care or styling, somewhere along the line. For the purposes of this article, we will be calling these mistreatments the 'seven deadly hair care sins'. Ignore the seven deadly sins at your peril.
Sin 1: Slavishly following trends
Just because it is 'in', does not mean it will suit you. The best hairstyle for you will depend on your age, face shape, hair type and other factors - it will not change with the fashions. A better option is, once you have found the right haircut for you, to keep it fresh and contemporary by varying the texture, the highlights or making small changes in the styling.
Sin 2: Choosing an impossibly high maintenance cut
The cut might have looked amazing in the magazine or even when you were sitting in the stylist's chair, but if it takes three hours to prepare then it isn't practical for every-day wear (unless you are a fairytale princess). Make sure your stylist knows you want to be able to maintain your hairstyle easily or you could be in for a lengthy and complex hair care routine.
Sin 3: Not knowing what you want
If you do your research before reaching the hairdresser, you are far more likely to be happy with your hair in a few days' or a few weeks' time. Many people expect their stylist to pick the perfect cut for them, but nobody knows what you want more than you do. As long as you can give a basic idea to the stylist of what you are after (pictures from hair care magazines can help), then they can make sure the final cut is flattering and maintainable for you.
Sin 4: Being a celeb hair stalker
Celebrities have their own stylists, sometimes on hand 24 hours a day, as well as thousands of pounds to spend on the very best cosmetics, hair care products and tools. While celebrities might lead the way in hair fashions, it's quite likely that the precise look worn by Cheryl or Posh will be tricky to maintain and you might be better off with a more toned down or maintainable version.
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