If you find yourself second-guessing your wardrobe, we've put together a variety of fashion tips for women who wish to sharpen their fashion sense and utilize clothing to their advantage. Don't forget to accessories for a complete ensemble.
- Have plenty of neutrals on hand to mix and match.
- Open collar shirts and scoop necks will lengthen a short neck. Add a long necklace.
- Tailored clothes flatter most figures.
- Buy similar styles of the clothes you already own that you think flatter your figure.
- Always carry a safety pin in your purse for emergencies.
- Shoulder pads will help you balance large breasts and wide hips, but keep them slim.
- For a quick fix, if your slacks or slip is too long, roll it up at the waist.
- Break in your shoes before wearing for an entire day or special occasion.
- Use dryer sheets or fabric spray to reduce static cling.
- If you're losing or gaining weight, go to your local thrift store and get some in-between sizes that fit.
- Make sure your pantyhose fit correctly. Tugging on them in public is a no-no.
- Don't be afraid to try anything new.
- Always clean your clothing before you store it.
- Apply your perfume before dressing to prevent staining your clothing.
- If a department store doesn't have your size, ask. Many stores are set up to call their other stores to locate and ship the desired size directly to you.
- Beware of those "skinny" mirrors in stores. They are misleading. If a style didn't look good on you in the past, it won't now, unless you've made some significant changes.
- Don't bare all. Leave some mystery to your look.
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